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Articles by Iain Hunter
Faustian Pacts and Software Excellence
I saw this tweet recently and it sparked a few thoughts as it neatly gets to the heart of the biggest challenge in software – getting to done.
Address Search OS OpenNames with PostGIS, SQLAlchemy and Python – PART 2
In Part 2 we look at writing a simple Python 3 CLI app that will show you how easy it is to integrate this powerful functionality into your apps and APIs. Other than Python the only dependency we need is the SQLAlchemy ORM to let our app communicate with Postgres
Address Search OS OpenNames with PostGIS, SQLAlchemy and Python – PART 1
In this two part post we’ll look at implementing an address search using the Ordnance Survey Open Names dataset. We’ll use the power of Postgres with the PostGIS extension leveraging it’s built in Full Text Search, and use Python and the SQLAlchemy ORM to create a simple CLI.
Restoring a Postgres database to AWS RDS using Docker
In this post I look at using Docker to restore a Postgres dump file to a Postgres database running in the cloud on AWS RDS.